Up to $40,000 in Interest-Free Loans Available for Canadian Homeowners to Go Solar!

I have solar. When should I switch to solar club rates?

Zeno has unique access to Alberta’s Green Energy industry. Light Up Alberta is a non-government program which encourages a switch to solar and renewable power. In short, retailers pay you back for what you don’t use. In spring and summer, that can earn you 30.00 ¢/kWh for energy put back into the grid. Want to know more? Contact Spot Power or Park Power and start earning now. Be a part of the massive shift Zeno and friends are adding momentum to every day. Happy Earth Month, friends.


Please note: This program is designed for systems that produce more energy on site. Best times to be on solar club rates  vary but can start as early as mid-March until as late as mid-Septmber.  Zeno will not be able to perform any bill changes on behalf of clients.