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What do I do if my Sense Solar energy monitoring is not working?

To ensure a smooth experience and efficient resolution of any issues you may encounter, we have outlined the following guidelines regarding the installation and support of Sense products:

Zeno Renewables Responsibility for Sense Monitoring Devices:
Zeno Renewables takes full responsibility for the proper installation of the Sense monitoring devices. Our team of trained technicians will ensure the accurate placement and connection of the devices, as well as perform the necessary tests to confirm their optimal performance. If you experience any difficulties during the installation process or have concerns about the Sense monitoring devices, please contact our dedicated Zeno Renewables Support team at serviceyyc@livezeno.com (for Calgary/Lethbridge & surrounding area) or serviceyeg@livezeno.com (for Edmonton & surrounding area).

Support for Sense Functionality:
For any issues with the functionality of the Sense monitoring devices, we kindly request that you directly contact Sense Support. This includes but is not limited to the device incorrectly reading or reporting data. They can be reached by email at sense@support.com or checkout their website for other contact options at Support – Sense. While we strive to provide comprehensive support, Sense Solar possesses the expertise and specialized knowledge required to troubleshoot and resolve issues specific to their products. Their support team is equipped to assist you promptly and effectively.